Friday 3 April 2020

Singing the Apostles' Creed

To the tune Ein feste Burg

Of our faith one God is worth,
        the Father God Almighty,
the cre-a-tor of heaven and earth,
        through Son’s and Spirit’s agency.
And trust we in Jesus Christ,
            his only Son, our Lord,
conceived by the Holy Ghost
            the Virgin’s womb his host,
Mary gave birth to God the Son.

He suffered under Pon-ti-us,
            under Pilate he was crucified.
And so Christ Jesus died for us.
            And for us he was buried;
He descended to the dead.
            On the third day he rose again;
he ascended to heaven’s domain,
            sits at the Father’s right hand,
he will come to judge both living and dead.

Our faith is in God Father, God Son,
            and in the Holy Spirit.
But we affirm God to be one;
            talk of three gods we don’t permit.
We declare one holy Church,
            we confess the communion of saints.
God’s forgiveness for sins we name,
            resurrection for the body we claim,
and so for eternal life give thanks.

Note also that Dale A. Schoening has a CM version of the Apostles' Creed and a SM version of the Nicence Creed.